Written on behalf of Lafayette Gardens Apartments - Lafayette Louisiana Apartments
Halloween just over a month away, what better way to get you and your Apartments in Lafayette Louisiana into the spirit than to do some fun Halloween Kids Crafts? With so many fun ideas we thought we would share a few of our favorites with you.
Spooky spiders top our list.
Spider Handprint
Supplies you need to make this Spider Handprint
Orange construction paper
Black construction paper
Googly eyes
Glue stick
Black glitter glue or you can make your own
First, fold your black paper in half and then half again.
Trace just four fingers and leave about 1/2 an inch from the edge of the paper.
Cut out your handprint. You should now have two spiders.
Draw your spider webs on orange construction paper in the corners with a pencil or black pen. Add two web lines down to where you will place your spider handprints.
Carefully trace your web with the black glitter glue. If possible, make a continuous line when you are tracing your spider web to avoid the glue from making clumping marks. Allow the glue to dry overnight.
Glue your spider's eyes on.
Paper Spider
Supplies you need to make the Paper Spider.
Black paper – one sheet will make one spider
White paper
Black pen
Black bakers twine for hanging
Glue stick
Begin by cutting out four 1/5 inch strips off the top of your sheet of paper – set aside for the legs.
Next, use a small cup to trace and cut out 8 same-sized circles from the rest of sheet – however many you can fit.
Fold each circle in half to create semi-circles.
Add glue to half of the semi-circle and place another semi-circle on top, then add glue to the next layer and repeat.
When all of your circles are glued together and stacked high, cut a piece of bakers twine – about 8 inches long fold it in half and tie a knot.
Add a generous amount of glue to the spine of your paper circle stacks and place the baker's twine against it. Add glue to the top semi-circle, unfold the circle and bring it round
Make the legs with the strips of paper you cut first, make 4 longer legs and 4 shorter legs for each side of the spider's body, 8 total.
Fold the legs about 1/3 of the way down to make a right angle and then fold again about ¾ of the way down the opposite direction to make the foot
Last, you'll add your spider’s eyes. Draw two circles the size of a dime, cut out and add pupils. Bend the two middle flaps of your spider back slightly and glue the eyes on.
Craft Stick Spider Webs
Supplies you’ll need to make Craft Stick Spider Webs.
Popsicle sticks
Glue (or a hot glue gun)
Paint in Halloween colors
Yarn in black, white, and/or orange.
Optional: Spider stickers
Paint your popsicle sticks with paint.
Once dry, glue three popsicle sticks together. Use a hot glue gun to eliminate drying time.
Now tie one end of the yarn to one base of the glued popsicle sticks.
Wrap your yarn around each popsicle stick or simply feed it in between each stick in a circle fashion twice.
Once you’re done wrapping the web, tie a knot to the end of the last stick, leaving a long trail of yarn to hang your spider web.
Any of the crafts we described above can be scaled by using larger craft supplies. Are you looking for a fun and inviting, family-friendly apartments in Lafayette, La? Stop by Lafayette Gardens Apartments and take a tour.