Written on behalf of Lafayette Gardens Apartments - Lafayette Louisiana Apartments
2020 December Holidays will be unlike year’s past. With the C.D.C. recommending Americans stay home during the holidays this year, it will look and feel very different for many of us. Separation is hard, and most Americans are experiencing pandemic fatigue. So how can you bring fun back to the holidays, especially in your apartment in Lafayette, LA?
While the suggestions below will not fill the hole left by missing loved ones, they come from the heart and are intended to help ease separation anxiety and quarantine fatigue.
Necessity is the mother of invention, as the saying goes. Many are finding new ways to share their holidays with family, from holiday dinners over Zoom, to taking their celebrations outdoors. With recent temperature drops, finding a location with a firepit or open enough for social distancing and heated lamps would be ideal.
Embrace the ones you live with. If your traditional holidays are spent surrounded by your multi-generational family of 50, this holiday season might be especially difficult. Focus on the family you live with. Don’t skimp on holiday dinners; well, skimp a little if you are used to preparing a dish for 50. But still make a traditional dinner, simply prepare smaller portions. 2020 is a perfect opportunity to ask aunt Sally her secret recipe for cornbread dressing; even better, ask her to send a list of ingredients and have her conduct a Zoom cooking class; while you are at it, involve your children.
If your family is like most families, someone is in charge of the turkey. Usually, a senior family member most likely to experience complications from COVID-19. If you are unsure of your big bird cooking skills, consider something more manageable. Roasting a chicken may feel less daunting a task, and you might just manage to stay awake after lunch or dinner, as turkey is notoriously packed with a nutrient called tryptophan, an amino acid known to cause sleepiness.
Traditional dinners are very time consuming; just ask the cook. Consider instead, take-out. Have the family come to a consensus on the type of meal you want and do your research. Many restaurants remain open during the holidays. If you plan ahead, you can preorder any meal you want for your holiday dinner; you may need to pick it up the day before your dinner. The same goes for deserts; discuss your favorites and preorder from your local bakery or grocer ahead of time.
Consider collecting food or gifts for the less fortunate. Many employees who have been discharged from service, as the state has reverted to varying degrees of stage 2 status, struggle to make ends meet.
Perhaps your family could call the local charities to see what their needs are and pick a few items up on your next trip to the grocery store. Or better yet, speak with the office manager at your apartments in Lafayette, Louisiana to arrange a food or toy drive or care kits for shelters. Helping others around the holidays brings a unique feeling of community and may just start a new family tradition.
The holidays are usually such a busy time of the year; it’s hard to find time for the really important things in life. In today’s text, messenger, email age, the art of writing a letter has been lost. Take this opportunity to let those you love know that you are missing them. A homemade card with a longer personal message will leave a lasting impression.
The pandemic has been felt far and wide; our team at Lafayette Gardens Apartments, too, feel your pain. We miss our social events and look forward to the day we can host them again. Until then, stay safe and stay well. Your Lafayette Louisiana Apartment home.